
Teachers Strike Spreads Across Poland

Monday is the first day of national-wide teachers strike. It is estimated that more than 70 percent of preschool, primary, middle and secondary school teachers participate in the strike, and it is virtually impossible for anyone to miss it. Most state schools are closed for indeterminate period. Although pupils may be happy the school is out, adults have a tough nut to crack. School staff are fighting for higher remuneration. Teachers strike on salaries have stayed on the same level for 10 year Read more

Will the New Social Transfers Sink the Polish Economy?

The ruling Law and Justice Party has a new idea for winning the upcoming European Parliament elections to grow the Polish economy: a “Five+”, a package of five ideas that is to make voters happy, including a 13th pension for all pensioners, increased tax-deductible expenses threshold, exemption from income tax for young people, loosening the requirements for participating in the “500+” child benefit scheme and revival of bus transport in small towns. Critics say that if implem Read more

Ministry Wants Full Retail Ban on Sundays

In a recent press conference, the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology confirmed the authorities are going to stick to the plan of extending the retail ban. Despite some media reports according to which the government had the intension of holding the progression on shopping-free Sundays, there are no plans to stop mid-way, even though it appears the public may have different opinion on shopping restrictions than the lawmakers.   It has been over a year since the introduction on the Read more

Easier Submission of CIT-8 Statements

The Ministry of Finance introduced changes to the legal provisions governing the submission of CIT-8 statements of legal persons operating outside of the financial sector. They want submitting the annual statement to authorities is to become easier. For this purpose, the officials came up with a dedicated application that will quicken the process of preparing the tax statement. CIT-8 statement is a document prepared once a year in which companies in Poland report their taxable income. Preparing Read more

Ministry Prepares Favourable Law for Business

The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology announced a law for businesses that is working on a set of legal amendments that will benefit business owners in Poland. Soon, Polish companies will be able to take the advantage of 70 new regulations that are going to make doing business in Poland easier. This is the latest step in a series of regulatory modifications that the government introduces in order to benefit Polish entrepreneurs and enhance the law for business environment in Poland, wh Read more

Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) Owes Billions of PLN

Millions of entrepreneurs in Poland pay obligatory social insurance contribution to ZUS, or Social Insurance Institution, an authority that collects and manages funds that are used to finance healthcare, pensions and a range of social benefits. Billion of zlotys are deposited in the accounts of the authority every month. However, it is not always the taxpayer that owes money to ZUS. Surprisingly, it might be the other way round. Not long ago, Social Insurance Institution sent out letters to tax Read more
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