
Minister announces revival of rail in Poland

The Ministry of Infrastructure wants to start a new era in the history of rail transport in Poland. After years and years of limited funding, closing rail connections and old and untrusty infrastructure that unfortunately marked the state of train transport in the country, things appear to be improving and the numbers of passengers are starting to go up. The government decided to make a move towards promoting this form of public transport in Poland.   We see a revival of Polish rail trans Read more

Uber and Mercedes Want to Invest in Poland

American corporation Uber revealed plans to invest in Poland. According to the announcement, the company is going to invest as much as 37 million PLN in Krakow and Warsaw. Krakow, the second-largest city in Poland, will become home to a Business Services Centre as well as a Research and Development Centre. Uber also wants to expand its Warsaw office. The decision was announced by Jamie Haywood, Uber’s General Director for North and East Europe and Polish Minister of Digitisation Marek Zagórs Read more

Huawei executive involved in an espionage scandal

Internal Security Agency arrested two people upon charges of espionage for China. The two men are a former special services officer and university faculty member and an executive employed by the Polish office of Huawei Technologies, a global telecommunications company and consumer electronics manufacturer. Piotr D and Weijing W. will spend at least three months in custody. The news came from Polish secret services.   Piotr D. used to be an executive in Internal Security Agency’s Departm Read more

Earlier PIT-11 Deadline for Polish Companies

Like every year, business owners need to devote their thoughts to personal income tax (or PIT-11) that their employees need to pay. Every employed person is under obligation to report their remuneration and other income accrued in a given year to their local tax office. Numbers need to be added up and adequate amount of income tax paid or by the taxpayer. Let us take a look at the changes that happened this year with respect to PIT tax returns. Company owners who hire personnel are obliged to p Read more

Employee Capital Plans launched

2019 marks the start of a highly anticipated retirement system reform in Poland. In a recent official inauguration, Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, expressed hopes that the new pension scheme will positively affect not only every employee in the country but also the entire state through generating savings and driving economic growth. Employee Capital Plans are a system of payments which are deducted from the employee’s salary every month. It consists of three elements: employee Read more

Social Insurance Contributions Lowered for Sole Entrepreneurs

From January, sole entrepreneurs (natural persons conducting business activity) enjoy lowered social insurance contributions payments. The amount of contributions, which are obligatory, will be correlated with the company’s turnover. It will be a significant change to thousands of business entities in Poland. As all companies in Poland, single-person businesses pay mandatory contributions to Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (So Read more
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