
BZ WBK is Now Santander

The second week of September was significant for numerous account holders from BZ WBK (Bank Zachodni), one of the biggest commercial banks in Poland. The 8th and 9th day of the month was chosen as the starting point of one of the most challenging tasks a bank, or any big enterprise for that matter, may confront a rebranding operation. BZ WBK is no more. Welcome Santander Bank Polska. Bank Zachodni WBK has been a member of the Spanish Santander Group for 7 years, but up unt Read more

Electronic Invoices and Public Procurement Regulations

The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology announced the upcoming introduction of new legal provisions regarding the use of electronic invoices issued electronically. According to the draft of the act on electronic invoicing in public procurement, licenses for roadworks or services and public and private partnerships, e-invoices will be accepted by all institutions opening public procurement proceedings. The law will come into effect next year. For public procurement exceeding 30 thousand Read more

Polish Embassy Bombarded with Visa Applications

Low unemployment rates are slowly starting to cause problems for numerous Polish business owners. Due to the shortage, the Polish embassy is bombarded with professionals and skilled workers are becoming more and more apparent. Even when it comes to unskilled workers, vacancies are becoming harder and harder to fill. Employers in order to keep their businesses going need to take extra measures. In recent times, their eyes have turned to the east of Europe and beyond. Seeking a labour force in for Read more

Minimum salary higher in 2019

In a recent press briefing, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Family, labour and Social Policy Elżbieta Rafalska announced the new minimum monthly salary and minimum hourly wage for 2019. The government decided to raise both amounts to 2250 PLN and 14.70 PLN respectively. This means that from January minimum remuneration in Poland will be higher by 7 percent compared with this year.   The amount of minimum salary is established each year by the government, followin Read more

Poland’s Economy Still Going Strong

According to the recent data published by the Central Statistical Office (GUS), Poland's Economy is expanding at the rate of 5 percent. This is excellent news for the Polish government. What is more, the high rate of GDP growth has been rather stable for several months now. The expansion is driven mainly by strong consumption. Due to good retail sales, VAT revenue is also reaching new heights. In a recent interview, Jerzy Kwieciński, Polish Minister of Investment and Development, stressed that Read more

Polish Taxpayers Will Have An Ombudsman

The Polish Ministry of Finance is currently working on a new Tax Ordinance Act that will completely remodel the fiscal system known as the Ombudsman in Poland. Not much has been revealed to the public yet when it comes to the ideas and solutions that the new bill will encompass, but Ministry officials decided to announce their intention to create a new office: Taxpayers’ Ombudsman. The news came from the Read more
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