
Cryptocurrencies and Taxes in Poland

A few years ago, no one heard of cryptocurrencies. Today, it is hard to find a person who doesn’t know what Bitcoin is. Numerous businesses and individuals decided to hop on the bandwagon of the new financial trend and buy or sell virtual currencies. The Polish Ministry of Finance noticed the outburst in the number of holders of the new payment instrument. Recently, ministry officials released information for those involved in cryptocurrency trade and reminded them that they need to report cr Read more

Government Prepares a New Personal Data Protection Law Act

Government Information Centre issued a press release informing that work on the new act on the data protection law of personal data has been finished. The government of Mateusz Morawiecki is done with preparing the regulations that will adapt Polish legal environment to EU personal data protection requirements, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the successor of the Directive 95/46/EC on the prot Read more

Polish Entrepreneurs Wait For Code Of Good Practice

In the summer, the Ministry of Finance started tax consultations with Polish entrepreneurs on a list of due diligence requirements for buyers in VAT transactions. Meeting these requirements would mean entrepreneurs may be certain they have the right to deduct value-added tax from the carried-out transactions. In other words, the Ministry wanted to teach business owners in Poland what they should do in order not to get in trouble with Polish entrepreneurs and fiscal authorities. In the Ministry� Read more

Wind Energy Strikes a New Record

Power Market Energy has recently published 2017 data on the energy generated by wind energy in Poland. The numbers were better than expected. Polish wind farms produced 14,9 TWh of green energy, which sets a new record for renewable energy production from wind energy in Poland. The power generated in 2016, i.e. one year ago, was 12,6 TWh. Even though “green” energy in Poland is not of considerable Read more

Ukrainians Fill in Employee Gaps in Poland

Two to three thousand people – that, according to the predictions of the National Bank of Poland, is the annual number of Ukrainian citizens who will arrive in Poland in the upcoming years. Today, our country hosts over a million Ukrainian men and women who look for work opportunities and a new life. Jacek Kotłowski from the Economic Analyses division of NBP said a growth of 200-300 thousand per year is the most probable scenario.   Workers from other countries are welcome by numerous Read more

OECD on Poland’s Economic Growth

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published findings of its 2018 economic survey on Poland. In the document, the organisation looks at the country’s economic status and development in such areas as investment, labour market, state deficit and overall GDP performance. The result is an overview of the current condition of Poland in terms of the state economy and the likely positive and negative outcomes of the current state of affairs. The intergovernmental organisat Read more
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