
Chances for cutting off Russian gas

In one of his recent statements, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski announced that within the next five years Poland is able to bring about the situation when it becomes independent of Russian gas. He also criticised the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.   Waszczykowski stated he has “limited trust in (…) the European institutions. In connection with this, we also take independent actions so as not to hinge solely on the dictate of Russian gas supplies� Read more

PSG reactivates its Łuków branch

This year, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa (a subsidiary of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo) launched another branch reactivated after its prior liquidation – gasworks in Łuków (Lubelskie voivodship). During a meeting with local government officials from Lubelskie Voivodship, Minister Krzysztof Małkiewicz declared that re-opening of the branch in Łuków provides opportunity for development for the entire regions, as also that as a “new” investment, it has a chance to bring more jo Read more

Poland will have an international hub airport?

This week, the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers made a recommendation about construction of a new airport in Poland. The new so-called central communication port is to be a big international hub allowing for long-distance air connections. It is to meet the growing air travel demand of Poles and also put Poland on the spotlight as a transportation node. The decision was made unanimously and “without any doubt”.   In the last four years, airline travel numbers in Poland qu Read more

Poland awarded for green bonds

Climate Bonds Initiative organisation recently awarded Poland for issuing the so-called green bonds. The country received top prize in the category Green Bonds Pioneer. The prize was collected by Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Nowak in a ceremony that took place on the 6th of March in London.   Green bonds are fixed-income securities designed to finance pro-environment initiatives. This financial instrument is nothing new, yet until recently there has been no state treasury that w Read more

PGNiG holds back Gazprom

OPAL is a German North - South natural gas pipeline, which constitutes a prolongment of the land North Gas Pipeline (Nord Stream). It starts in Lubmin, near the Polish border, and runs along the Polish-German border in the direction of Czech Republic and Slovakia. The main shareholders are two German corporations: Wingas (80%) and E.ON Ruhrgas (20%).   The President of PGNiG, Piotr Woźniak, announced they succeeded in holding up an auction for additional powers for Gazprom in the OPAL ga Read more

ZUS – one wire transfer instead of four

Today, an entrepreneur who wants to pay ZUS contributions is obliged to make wire transfers to particular bank accounts of the authority. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is planning to introduce a substantial simplification for entrepreneurs. A draft bill involves introduction of individual bank account for each contribution payer, where a payer will not have to make separate transfers of each contribution, but will do that to a single bank account number with a single transfer. Read more
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