
Basic fees for bank accounts in Poland

In the twentieth-first century, having a bank account is a must for any entrepreneur. No one will take you seriously if you operate only in cash and cannot provide a bank account number to your clients, suppliers, or public authorities. Good banking relationship will make life easier for you. However, when choosing a bank make sure to check what bank fees and charges you will be obliged to pay.   There are several things to bear in mind when choosing a bank. Offer for small business is us Read more

Poland: top outsourcing destination in Europe

Move over, Bangalore. Poland is the new top-spot for outsourcing. The country is already a leader in providing business services to foreign entrepreneurs, with numerous BPO centres in several Polish cities. According to the Global Trade Forecast prepared by HSBC, the services market in the country by the Vistula river is going to grow even further. In the next 15 years, it is expected to be expanding at the rate of 7% a year.   Outsourcing is paying other companies do the work you do not Read more

Special Economic Zones expand and attract investment in Poland

At the brink of 2017, Special Economic Zones in Poland changed their borders. This means even more opportunities for investors to grow their business and take advantage of the favourable conditions and government support these areas offer to business.   In Poland, there are 14 Special Economic Zones. These are special areas where entrepreneurs enjoy unique privileges and incentives, e.g. low tax rates or even tax exemption with regard to certain levies. Polish government created the zones Read more

Polish gas market liberalisation as early as 2017

Some of the provisions amending the energy law, as well as some other related acts appointed at the end of November enters into force as early as 1 January 2017. The process will initially concern only the companies that sell gas wholesale, the obligation to get approval of the tariffs for households will exist for seven more years. The reason behind starting work on the implementation of the changes was EU Justice Tribunal stating that current regulations are not fully compatible with the EU la Read more

Constraints on business disappear – a unique bill signed by the President

Business activity run without impractical inconveniences and saving as much as 230 million PLN just after six months from entering into force of the new provisions - these are the goals of the new bill singed by President Andrzej Duda – the act on amendments to some acts with the purpose of improving the entrepreneurs’ legal environment. The modifications touch on as much as 18 other legal acts, such as the act on construction law, labour law, financial law or the act on the freedom of econo Read more

Tax regulations in 2017

New year means new challenges and new opportunities. Customarily, the first day of January is also the date when numerous new legal regulations come into force. In 2016, Polish parliament worked on and passed several important changes to the fiscal system.   Most notably, the Ministry of Finance worked hard to cut down the so-called VAT gap, i.e. the difference between the expected and paid budget income coming from value added tax payments. A series of amendments was introduced to tighte Read more
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