
The first effects of 500+: revived market, increased profits and sales in many industries

The programme of state aid for Polish families has just started but its first effects are already here: Poles buy more equipment, goods, and visit shopping centres more often.   The Family 500 plus programme is a systemic support for Polish families. According to the project, aid is available for parents and guardians of children up to 18 years old. A family with two underage children will be able to receive 500 PLN for the second and further child regardless of their income. For families Read more

Substantial revival in Polish tourism

Experts from Polish Chamber of Tourism indicate increased tourism rates both in Polish mountains and at the seaside. The boom in domestic tourism is to be reflected in the GDP figures for the third quarter. Tourism in Pieniny mountain range truly thrives.   The increase in the number of tourists is reported to be as high as 30 000, while comparing year to year the increase of the number of tourists is estimated at around 15 percent. An interesting case seems to be the gorge of Dunajec – Read more

Ministry of Development: 3.6 percent GDP growth attainable in the entire 2016

According to the Ministry of Development represented by Deputy Minister Jerzy Kwieciński, Polish economy will speed up in the second half of the year, and the main driver of growth will be public investment. According to his assessment, 3.6 percent GDP growth in the entire 2016 is attainable.   „I think real 3.6 percent is certainly achievable. You will see how the economy expands in the second half of the year” – he said, referring to the prognoses of the Ministry of Development. Read more

Public car rental system soon also in Warsaw

Warsaw plans launching car rental in the formula of the so-called carsharing as soon as in the second half of 2017. Initially, there are to be from 300 to 500 cars. The expected fee for one minute of usage is 1.2 PLN and the city has already started to look for a company that could service such system.   The main objective of launching carsharing is retrieving city public space, which currently in a huge extend is occupied by private cars. According to long-term prognoses, one public car Read more

Another huge wind farm in Poland

Polenergia company as the first Polish entity was granted a decision on environment conditions from Regional Dicrectorate of Environemtn Protection  in Gdańsk for the construction of Offshore Wind Farm Middle Baltic III. The projected plant power is 600 MW, and the decision regarding further 600 MW is expected later this year. This is going to be one of the biggest wind farms on the Baltic Sea.   Issuing the decision to Polenergia means it received the green light to start works on the Read more

Where to go on holiday in the era of terror threats?

Fear of terrorist attacks made both Poles and inhabitants of other European countries choose completely different holiday destinations than they would only a few years ago.   Egypt or Tunisia, in demand for many years, are a thing of the past, and the recently packed tourist resorts are now half-empty. Until recently, many tourists would also choose Turkey, but this country has lost its charm as well due to state of emergency declared after the coup attempt.   Tourists are also afr Read more
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