
Spread refund for Polish borrowers

President Andrzej Duda as early as his election campaign talked about the plans of currency conversion of the loans denominated in Swiss francs taken up by the citizens. The pledge to many interested parties seemed to be a means to solve the existing problem. In practice, mortgage borrowers are only to be refunded spread, and in the so-called franc bill there is one threshold – 350 thousand PLN per borrower.   Spread is a type of fee the bank charges each time it converts the value of m Read more

Amendments to Polish public procurement law

Public procurement law regulates all legal aspects connected with public tender proceedings in Poland. The legal acts within this scope also constitutes foundation for the mechanism of spending EU funding. From the latest amendments, the criterion of the lowest price will cease to dominate. What is more, it will be vital to employ contractors on the basis of employment relationship, and it will be possible to order tasks to subsidiary companies without organizing tender proceedings for this purp Read more

Amendments to the energy law spark controversy

On Friday, the Sejm [lower chamber of Polish parliament] accepted two amendments made in the Senate to the bill amending the energy law act. Now, the bill will be referred to the President for signature. The amendments’ aim is mainly to limit the grey area in the fuel market, boost market competition and increase the country’s energy security.   One of the amendments made in the Senate prolongs the deadline for the companies active in the LPG market to provide a licence by three month Read more

Sejm in favour of 15% CIT for small companies

Sejm [the lower chamber of Polish parliament] supported the government project bringing the CIT for small companies down from 19 to 15 percent. 439 MPs were in favour of the bill introducing the amendment, no one was against, three MPs abstained. The project predicts 5 percent CIT for small companies with annual turnover of up to 1.2 million EUR.   The goal of the amendment is to lower the CIT rate for small taxpayers from 19 percent to 15 percent. The reduced rate is to affect the compan Read more

Mandatory registration of pay-as-you-go cards in Poland – new legal regulations

Pursuant to new legal regulations in Poland, from 25 July card registration is a necessary requirement for its purchase, while users of active cards have time to register them until 1 February 2017.   The obligation to register cards is linked to the provisions of the so-called antiterrorist act passed through the parliament in June. The new law introduces a series of modifications into the existing regulations, including telecommunications law. Into this act that a new provision was adde Read more

Poland among the best countries to be a working woman

Finland, Norway, Sweden or maybe Poland?   These is the top selection of the best countries for women to work and live, according to “the Economist”.   The criteria used for making the list are: education, salary, child-care costs, share of business school applications, mothers’ rights, and also the number of women in top, specialist positions and share of women workforce on the job market.   The top of the ranking is taken by the aforementioned Scandinavian countries, Read more
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