Offshoring to Poland

Poland is the leader among all CEE countries in terms of offshoring as it accounts for almost 25% of the global services market in the CEE. Furthermore, the industry is experiencing double-digit growth each year. Therefore Poland has recently joined the global leaders of the offshoring group (Philippines, India, China and Brazil). According to many rankings, Poland is in first place in the EU and third in the world after the Philippines, India and China for shared services centers.

Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, and Szczecin are just some of the key locations that are primed for the outsourcing market.

Key Assets for Offshoring to Poland

  • proximity to and relationships with Western Europe,
  • political and economic stability,
  • low labor and operational costs,
  • its qualified and educated workforce,
  • depreciation of the zloty.

To learn more about favorable conditions for doing business in Poland see „Why Poland„.

Among many other shared services, Poland specializes in business analytics, HR, finance/banking and accounting, multilingual contact centers and tele-information network management. The latest newly realized opportunity is in the IT business as Poland starts to attract software development companies because of the recognized qualifications and experience of its software engineers. Many believe that the expansion of outsourcing in heavy industry, commercial trade and telecommunications will result in further development.

Business Incentives

There are many incentives available for foreign investors who want to establish their business (available also when offshoring to Poland). The main types of which are:

  • European Union cash grants,
  • Multi-Annual Support Programme from Polish budget,
  • local authorities support,
  • tax exemption,
  • staff training,
  • product development,
  • R&D support.

PZC is open to any queries concerning offshoring to Poland. We would be happy to provide you with the necessary information, assisting also in detailed location studies, and potentially in the further steps aimed at the successful launch of your sourcing center’s operation.

Consulting services