Foreigners Eligible for Poland’s ‘Safe 2% Loan’ Housing Program, Ministry Confirms

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The renowned “Safe Credit 2%” initiative, introduced in July, has garnered significant popularity among Polish citizens seeking affordable housing loans. Notably, this program isn’t limited to locals; foreigners can also reap its benefits, given they fulfill specific criteria. The Polish Press Agency approached the Ministry of Development and Technology for clarity regarding the eligibility of foreigners in this scheme.

The “Safe Credit 2%” program, rolled out on July 3, has swiftly gained traction among Polish nationals as an avenue to secure housing loans at an impressively low 2% interest rate. However, intriguingly, the program’s ambit extends to foreigners as well. For international applicants, there’s a crucial criterion that must be met: the age limit. Those applying for this loan must be under 45 years old when submitting their application. Moreover, if a household consists of multiple parties, it suffices for just one of them to meet the age criterion, provided all parties involved in the loan agreement adhere to this condition.

2% Loan for Housing Program:

The heart of the program lies in its provision of subsidies to recipients for ten years, ensuring that the interest rate remains fixed at 2%, plus the bank’s margin, throughout this duration. These subsidies are drawn from the Government Housing Fund, a pre-existing entity within Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.

A pertinent question posed to the Ministry was whether foreign nationals could partake in the “Safe Credit 2%” program. The Ministry confirmed that foreigners indeed have the opportunity to benefit, contingent upon them fulfilling the criteria stipulated in the Act on family housing loans and a safe 2% loan, alongside adhering to the conditions outlined in the Act of 23 March 2017 on mortgage loans and the supervision of mortgage brokers and agents.

One intriguing requirement is the currency in which the mortgage loan must be granted. Per the Ministry’s response, the mortgage loan must be issued in or indexed to the currency in which the consumer primarily earns their income or holds the majority of their financial resources and assets. Consequently, foreigners whose primary source of income is in Polish złoty (PLN) and who pay taxes in Poland are eligible to apply.

In terms of data, the Ministry reported that as of August 1, out of approximately 20,000 loan applications received, around 1% were from foreigners. Notably, a significant portion of these foreign applicants hailed from Ukraine, constituting around 70% of the foreign applicants. Further analysis revealed that roughly 15% of Ukrainian citizens entered the program jointly with a Polish citizen, often involving a spouse or co-parent.

Crucially, the Ministry clarified that possessing real estate abroad does not preclude one from applying for the “Safe 2% Loan.” Applicants need not provide information about overseas real estate holdings during the application process, thereby affirming that such data isn’t collected for assessment.

Poland’s “Safe 2% Loan” housing program, which has gained immense traction since its July launch, is open not only to Polish citizens but also to eligible foreigners. The Ministry of Development and Technology’s confirmation underscores that by adhering to specific criteria and requirements, foreign nationals can take advantage of this affordable housing loan opportunity.

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