
What Will Be The Result Of The New Energy Law’s Coming Into Effect?

From October, new regulations concerning obligatory stocks of gas are to come into effect. According to them, each business performing foreign trade in natural gas will have to store the stocks in the country, use ticketing service (currently in our country it is offered by PGNiG) or use warehouses outside of the country (in EFTA or EU countries). According to the bill’s statement of reasons, the goal of the proposed change is elimination of regulatory loopholes that lead to “leakage” of t Read more

2018 GDP growth will be 3.8%, says the government

As the first half of 2017 is slowly drawing to an end, it is time to start making some plans with respect to 2018. Work on next year’s budget act has already started. The Government Information Centre announced that Polish government has approved of the budget assumptions that will constitute the foundation for constructing the most important piece of legislation for public finances in the country.   The Ministry of Finance predicts that Polish economy in the twelve months of 2018 will Read more

Poland in UN Security Council

On 1 January the date of joining Poland in UN will be appointed as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. One of the most renowned political organizations in the world will open its door to Poland as well as four other new members: Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Kuwait and Peru. The new non-permanent members of the Security Council will serve two-year terms. The Security Council is a UN body that deals with matters of international peace and security. After Poland Read more

Discussion on divergent gas policies of Warsaw and Berlin

Looking at the recent events, it does not seem likely that cooperation between Poland and Germany on cutting monopoly undertakings of Gazprom becomes real. One of the key issue that specialists highlight is the fact that when it comes to Germany – Russia relations, it is Russia that is more interested in smooth cooperation. Even though possible disagreement would generate vast expenses for both parties, it is Russia that is more dependent on Germany. Another point in favour of the stronger pos Read more

EY: Poland one of top 5 investment destinations

EY’s Attractiveness Survey Europe names Poland as Europe’s fifth most important destination in terms of foreign direct investment. In 2016, the country was chosen as a location for 211 FDI projects, a twelve percent increase compared with 2015. In terms of job creation, the data is even more impressive. Poland landed second on the list, beaten only by the United Kingdom. Investment projects brought over 22 thousand jobs.   EY notes that the CEE region “had a strong momentum in 2016� Read more

Entrepreneurs: Fiscal System in Poland Complicated and Unfair

Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców (Entrepreneurs and Employers’ Union) ordered a research into the business owners’ views on taxation in Poland. The study, conducted by researchers from Warsaw University, is to give highlight of what the fiscal system is like for those generating income and employing staff and how they view various taxation systems and solutions.   The entrepreneurs who participated in the survey were almost unanimous: Poland’s fiscal system is complicated, Read more
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