Where to go on holiday in the era of terror threats?

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Fear of terrorist attacks made both Poles and inhabitants of other European countries choose completely different holiday destinations than they would only a few years ago.


Egypt or Tunisia, in demand for many years, are a thing of the past, and the recently packed tourist resorts are now half-empty. Until recently, many tourists would also choose Turkey, but this country has lost its charm as well due to state of emergency declared after the coup attempt.


Tourists are also afraid of Greece which is flooded with waves of illegal immigrants trying to get to Europe through sea route.


For each of these countries this has immense impact on the economy, as tourism for many years was a significant source of income.


The aforementioned countries were chosen by tourists due to guaranteed good weather, and also low prices, which is still an important factor when choosing a holiday destination. So where do the budget tourists travel now?


Romania experiences record-breaking popularity – a destination which until recently was not popular at all. Currently, most of the hotels near the seacoast are fully booked a few weeks in advance. A big impact on this had the president of the biggest Romanian tourist organization – FAPT, who conducted negotiations with charter airlines so that they increase the number of flights to Romania in place of the deteriorating number of connections with Turkey or Egypt. Romanians are also speeding up their plans for building a new airport, as the existing one will not stand the existing amount of traffic for long.

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