Amazon To Build New Processing Centres In Poland

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Amazon, the global leader in e-commerce owned by Jeff Bezos, has been present in our country for several years now. Not long ago, the American company opened an order processing centre in Kiełbaskowo. There is another such facility near the city of Wrocław. The e-commerce giant employs thousands of Polish employees. Soon, the figures are going to be even higher as the company is looking for new locations in Poland.

Polish media speculate the American enterprise has plans to expand its presence in Poland even further. According to recent rumours, Amazon is going to open another processing centre somewhere in our country.

Most probably, they are going to take advantage of public incentives for entrepreneurs and construct their premises in one of the special economic zones that are located in numerous places across the country. The zones offer investors special treatment, especially for paid taxation. Amazon and other entrepreneurs present in special economic zones enjoy lower tax rates than the rest of Polish businesses.

The new Amazon premises, if the rumours turn out to be true, will be located in the region of Lower Silesia, in the southwest of Poland. Another possible location for a processing centre is Gliwice. Amazon representatives have not yet confirmed the company is looking for new locations for facilities in Poland. However, they are not denying the rumours either.

Even though the American e-commerce giant employs thousands of Polish employees, Polish consumers still do not have a Polish store. They may however use Amazon DE, UK, or US websites to purchase goods.

Amazon has recently announced its 4Q2017 figures. The company accrued over 60 billion US dollars in revenue. The news caused the company’s share price to fly up 6 per cent.

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