Earlier PIT-11 Deadline for Polish Companies

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Like every year, business owners need to devote their thoughts to personal income tax (or PIT-11) that their employees need to pay. Every employed person is under obligation to report their remuneration and other income accrued in a given year to their local tax office. Numbers need to be added up and adequate amount of income tax paid or by the taxpayer. Let us take a look at the changes that happened this year with respect to PIT tax returns.

Company owners who hire personnel are obliged to present them with PIT-11 tax returns enumerating each employee’s salary, social insurance contribution payments and the amount of advance tax payments. What is different this year is that the deadline for this expires one month earlier: on the last day of January. Entrepreneurs have a lot less time to prepare the statements. What is more, PIT-11 has to be submitted electronically not to employees but directly to fiscal authorities. Failure to comply may result in monetary penalties.

Why are the regulations different this year? The government wants to be more digital or Internet-friendly. Thanks to this, communication with state institutions is to become easier and less time-consuming. Electronic documents can be submitted any time and anywhere, and they can be verified more efficiently. Less paper documents means less time and effort dedicated to handling them. It is a win-win situation for both the state institutions and the taxpayers.

Polish citizens have been able to submit tax returns online for many years but in 2019 this is going to be even easier than usual. PIT-37 and PIT-38 forms will be filled by tax authorities based on the information reported by businesses. Natural persons will only need to review and accept the document which will then be sent via internet to an appropriate tax office.

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