European Economic Congress and European Start-Up Days

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The 10th of May is the onset of the European Economic Congress. The meet-up of business experts, entrepreneurs and government officials, which takes place in Katowice, will span three days and feature an array of discussion panels, presentations and talks. A part of the Congress is European Start-Up Days, an event devoted to innovation and young entrepreneurs who want to change the world.

The Congress was launched with an ‘A different Europe in a different world’ debate, during which the participants (including former Prime Ministers of Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania) discussed such issues as Europe after Brexit, the possibility of a two-speed Europe and dangers of populism and isolationism in Europe. Other events on the agenda touch on such issues as the 4th Industrial Revolution, China–CEE relations, energy security and renewable energy and the coal industry.

Mateusz Morawiecki, Polish Minister of Finance and Development, spoke on how attractive Poland and the CEE region are for foreign investment. “We do not only want to match the West. We want to surpass it” – he said. Morawiecki noted that the country’s economy is in a very good phase right now and will remain so in the upcoming years and referred to the new act on robotization the government is currently working on.

European Start-Up Days is an event during which young entrepreneurs may present their ideas, meet mentors and look for investors. The participants were chosen in a Start-Up Challenge competition. 100 start-ups represent the following areas: Human, Business & ICT, Tradition and modernity, Lifestyle, Client and Business, and Industry 4.0.

The two events end on May 12th and have already attracted more than two thousand visitors. They were created in cooperation with the National Centre for Research and Development, Economic, Start-Up Poland Foundation, The Centre for Eastern Studies and the University in Katowice.

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