Location of Central Communication Port Revealed

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Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło officially announced government plans to build the Central Communication Port. The facility is to be the largest airport in Poland, annually visited by millions of passengers and an important railroad node. Although the fact that government officials have plans for such an endeavor has been known for several weeks, so far, the media and the public have not received any specific information about the project.

Many people did not believe the realization of such an endeavor was feasible or needed. The idea was received with mixed feelings by some experts and Poles. Some people argue Warsaw already has two airports: Chopin and Modlin that may be expanded to accommodate more air traffic. Others indicated the largest Polish airport will soon reach its maximum capacity limit and that Poles travel by air more and more often. According to the people behind the idea, Central Communication Port is to become an international transport hub that will attract passengers not only from Poland but from the whole CEE region.

The Central Communication Port will be located in Stanisławów, in the commune of Baranów. It was announced the place would be named ‘Solidarity Port’. Talks with local officials are already underway, said Mikołaj Wilk, government plenipotentiary for the Central Communication Port. Lawmakers are currently working on special regulations that are to make completing the project easier and quicker.

The Solidarity Port is to be a place where air and railroad routes meet. The government wants the two transportation systems fully integrated. The key reason behind selecting Banarów is the fact it is a good place to transform into a transportation nod. High-speed rail is another option government officials are thinking about.

In theory, Poles should be able to reach the Central Communication Port in up to two hours from any of the country’s regional capitals. There are plans to build up to 450 new kilometers of rail tracks. Central Communication Port is to cost, according to early projections, 30 billion PLN. In the next six years, the government wants to invest over 65 billion PLN in rail infrastructure.

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