Ministry Says No VAT Tax Returns

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Polish Ministry of Finance officially confirmed they are working on the complete disposal of VAT tax returns. The tax returns, prepared by all value-added taxpayers, document all taxable transactions of a given company in a given reporting period.

Businesses in Poland, apart from numerous other compliance duties, are under obligation to submit VAT tax returns on a monthly basis. Canceling the legal requirement will mean that entrepreneurs in Poland will spend less time on complicated analyses and paperwork.

The Minister of Finance, Teresa Czerwińska, in a recent radio interview, admitted: “We are planning to move away from VAT tax returns from the beginning of next year”. She noted that the change calls for numerous amendments in current legislation, procedures and computer systems. Therefore, it is difficult to say when the new regulations will be introduced with a big dose of certainty. Polish taxpayers have something to wait for, as it seems the Ministry is serious about their plans.

The tax returns will be replaced by unified control files JPK_VAT which Polish companies are obliged to file to tax authorities on a monthly basis. The files contain all VAT-related information the authorities need to determine whether taxpayers meet their compliance obligations with regard to value-added tax calculation and settlement. There is no need to present the authorities with other documents containing the same set of data.

The Ministry of Finance is certain submitting information in the form of an electronic file that can be easily and quickly processed by computer software with the aim of finding discrepancies and incongruities will allow tax officials to find and fight instances of tax offenses more effectively than ever before. There are currently 1.6 million taxpayers submitting information to tax administration in this form. As the authorities say, the purpose of the JPK_VAT file is not only to bring more budget revenue but also to ensure fair competition between Polish enterprises.

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