Ministry Sums Up Electronic Tax Return Revolution

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The Personal Income Tax returns season is over. This is a good moment to reflect on the busy part of the year when most people in Poland do their taxes. Every April, the number of employees who decide to submit applicable tax returns online rather than in person or through postal service, is growing bigger and bigger.

This year was no exception. In 2019, PIT tax returns, which sum up taxpayers’ income information, were sent to fiscal authorities via the Internet by more than 16 million people. This means that 80% of the submitted documents were digital in form. It is an absolute record.

How the Ministry Sums Up Tax Returns:

This year has been different also for another reason. This year, taxpayers across Poland could use the new E-PIT online platform for filing their PIT-37 and PIT-38 returns. For the first time ever, Poles could do that not only electronically, but also hassle-free, as almost all information was already in the system. The taxpayers only needed to verify the data and accept the document, which was equivalent to sending it to the competent fiscal office.

The Minister of Finance said that thanks to E-PIT, Poland is at the forefront of innovative electronic systems. She called the online platform one of the most advanced solutions in Europe. It was already announced that the platform will be developed even further, and next year the system will be expanded to include those who submit other types of income tax returns: PIT-36, PIT-36L and PIT-28.

Officials pointed out that this year, even if you didn’t file or accept a pre-filled tax statement, you will not face a penalty. Fiscal authorities have enough information from your employer and last year’s tax return that they can do your taxes for you. It is important to know, however, that do not have information on any tax credits you may be entitled to and it is better to check one’s tax information.

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