More Incentives for Investors in Poland

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Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki promises more incentives for those investors in Poland as special economic zones slowly become a thing of the past. The head of the Polish government now wants the entire country to become one big special economic zone.

Areas where unique investor-friendly regulation is in force, i.e. special economic zones, were introduced in Poland for a specific period of time. Soon, they will cease to exist. This does not mean, though, that the Polish government intends to stop luring foreign companies into investors in Poland. In fact, although SEZs will soon be no more, the lenient tax regulations they are known for will be introduced in even wider geographical areas.

According to the new regulations the Council of Ministers has recently approved, special tax credits and other incentives for entrepreneurs will become available to investors in Poland, as long as a given area’s intended use is investment. Different incentives will be available in different regions due to EU regulations on public aid. The investment’s size, nature and planned number of employees as well as the official unemployment rate in the region will also be considered when selecting participants.

A recent press release from government officials says the new law will increase the country’s investment appeal by creating conditions favorable to locating ambitious economic endeavors. The area where incentives for investors in Poland are available will grow vastly. Currently, special economic zones cover an area of 25 thousand hectares and can be found at 14 different locations.

The project was prepared by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology chaired by Jadwiga Emilewicz, who said that it is about time special economic zones get a makeover and are adapted to modern times. The minister noted that the government now wants to attract ambitious enterprises that will positively impact our economy.

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