Payment of ZUS contributions easier for Polish companies

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Polish enterprises are under obligation to pay social insurance contributions to Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) on a monthly basis. Thanks to the recent developments designed by the Polish Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy, complying with this obligation is to become easier and less time-consuming. The Ministry wants several mandatory transfers to be replaced by a single payment.


The payments that have to be settled for the employed personnel are pension, health and sickness contributions, as well as contributions to the Labour Fund and the Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits. Each of these payments needs to be calculated and paid separately before the contributions land in the bank accounts of ZUS in the form of wire transfers. Needless to say, payroll calculations for companies in Poland are complicated and can take a lot of time.


The government want to change the current situation and make things easier for all entrepreneurs hiring staff in Poland. Instead of several separate payments, companies will be obliged to carry out single wire transfers. The payment will go to a dedicated bank account assigned to a given business. ZUS will then decompose the assets into parts that will go to different areas. This will be done automatically, through computer algorithms that will analyse wire transfer titles.


According to the proponents of the idea, this solution is to make everyone happy. Polish entrepreneurs will be freed from carrying out complicated calculations, which will give them more time and energy to concentrate on more important issues. The change will also affect Social Insurance Institution staff. The officials will no longer need to verify whether the numerous payments that arrive at their accounts are correct.


The new bank accounts and payment system will be launched in January 2018. What is more, the Ministry wants it to be easier for companies to obtain a clearance certificate from ZUS. Most probably, the document will become available electronically.



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