President of Poland Awards Best Companies

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Andrzej Duda, the current President of Poland, put the spotlight on the most interesting Polish enterprises as he presented them with the President of Poland’s Economic Awards during an official gala. The event was a highlight of the second edition of 590 Congress which took place in Jasionka near Rzeszów. The congress was an occasion for politicians and economic experts to debate on the future, opportunities, and challenges the Polish economy may face.

Four companies received special distinction and a prize from the hands of President of Poland Duda. Warszawskie Zakłady Mechaniczne “PZL-WZM” in Warsaw was named “National Success”, while Melex sp. z o.o. was awarded as “International Success”. Another award went to the “SME Leader” which this year was Dramiński S.A. The President of Poland also decided to give a “Responsible Business” award to Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekovita.

There were also two special awards. XTPL S.A was named the “Best Polish Startup”, while the Research Team at the Physics Department of the University of Warsaw and New Technologies Centre got an award in the category of “Research and Development”. The president of Celon Pharma SA., Maciej Wieczorek, became a holder of the special individual award for his merit for Polish entrepreneurship.

President Andrzej Duda remarked Polish entrepreneurship is the country’s greatest treasure. He also noted the importance of small enterprises for the Polish economy and appealed to the government for good legislation.

During the 590 Congress, attendees could listen to discussion panels and speeches of numerous government representatives, with Prime Minister Beata Szydło and Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki heading the list. One of the discussion panels concerned the planned construction of the Central Communication Port. Minister Morawiecki made a speech on today’s capitalism and announced the Ministry of Finance is working on solutions that are to help ease payment hold-ups and improve the liquidity of small and medium companies. Minister of Digital Affairs, Anna Streżyńska, boasted her department managed to launch 500 digital services in the last two years.

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