Company formation in Poland – what you need to do

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Company set-up can be overwhelming, especially in Poland. Forming a company in Poland is not expensive, but it demands some time and determination. On your way to an operating company, you need to deal with some red tape. The most important institution dealing with businesses in Poland is National Court Register (KRS).


In order to be allowed to operate, a company has to be entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs. It is an official database of all business entities in Poland. You are not there – you do not exist. The Register is maintained by National Court Register (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy, or KRS). If you want to form a company, you need to file a registration application to a district court for the area you want to be your company’s seat. If you intend to establish a company in Warsaw, apply to the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw.


Fortunately, today the registration application may be submitted electronically. The set-up process consists of 8 steps in total. Polish Ministry of Justice set up a dedicated “S24” system just for this purpose. Company registration in Poland using the S24 system takes only one day. In this way, you may officially register an sp. z o.o. [limited liability company], sp. jawna [general partnership] or sp. komandytowa [limited partnership]. What is more, the S24 system enables submission of information on annual financial statements (Z-30 form) for companies that are under obligation to provide such information to KRS.


An important thing you must remember about company registration is a court fee connected with company formation in Poland. You need to pay 350 PLN for processing of your application. This can be done by the S24 system as well. You can pay by credit card, PayPall, or by making a bank transfer. Once you pay, a proof of payment will be generated and sent to the competent court. After that, your case should be assigned a reference number. Now, all you need to do is wait. S24 allows you to track all correspondence related to your applications.

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