Does Inflation Affect the Plans for New Year’s Eve?

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New Year's Eve

According to a survey conducted by, high prices have affected Poles’ New Year’s Eve plans. Every third of them did not plan to go out and 15% switched to cheaper plans.

New Year’s Eve is less than a week away. Over the past two years, we had to say goodbye to a year during the pandemic restrictions, but few of us will decide to “retrieve” the sacrifices from the 2020-2021s this year. The reason is the record inflation rate.

Updates about New Year’s Eve:

Experts checked how the current economic situation affected Poles’ New Years Eve plans. The research conducted for this purpose shows that as much as 63% of Poles will welcome 2023 without big parties and trips.

34% of respondents declare that they do not plan to go out. Slightly less, 29% of respondents admitted that they had completely given up on New Year’s Eve plans, and 15% switched to cheaper plans. Only 12 percent of respondents admitted that inflation had no impact on their plans.

The study shows that up to 40% of Poles intend to spend less than PLN 500 on New Years Eve. 14 percent of respondents want to fit in the range of PLN 501-1000. Only 5 percent of respondents expect to spend between PLN 1,001 and PLN 2,000. Only 3 percent will spend more than PLN 5,000. Nearly one in ten respondents will not pay to celebrate the arrival of 2023, and 25 percent of respondents could not give an answer on New Year’s Eve expenses.

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