
A structure in a Complex Fixed Asset to be Taxed According to its Market Value

On October 12, the Supreme Administrative Court issued a final resolution on determining the tax base for real estate tax on buildings, the value of which was included in the so-called overall fixed assets. It deals with complex fixed assets when they cover more than one building object. Settlement of this for PoN is particularly problematic because the initial value of this fixed asset (which is, in fact, the tax base) includes, apart from the value of the structure, the values ​​of other Read more

What is a Trusted Profile (Profil Zaufany)? Does a Foreigner Need it in Poland?

Do you want to settle an official matter via the Internet? You must confirm Profil Zaufany or your identity and electronically sign the document sent to the office. You can do it using the Trusted Profile. So, Profil Zaufany is essentially an electronic signature with which you can confirm your identity in electronic contact with departments and offices of various government agencies in Poland. When settling the matter in the office, you must show your identity document. Profil Zaufany is a ki Read more

According to the New Tax Order, Large Families Get an Additional Deduction

Parents with at least four children are to have an additional deduction of PLN 85,000 after the new tax order changes in the Polish Lada. It is the same as provided for in the PIT program for young people. How will this improve the situation of families? According to economist Prof. Marek Kośna, this decision represents a move in the right direction and a solution that was needed. But one can doubt whether a similar effect can be achieved differently. The expert also emphasized the need to imp Read more

The Concept of Dividends in Poland and the Companies Paying It

The term "dividend" comes from Latin and means "thing to be divided" (Latin Dividendum). Dividends in Poland are assets, most often in the form of cash (but not only that, they can be other assets owned by the object, or shares increasing the company's capital), paid to shareholders or partners, as remuneration for granting capital. Polish dividends are incomes generated by shares and types of income from other corporate rights that participate in profits, such as income from remitting shares. Read more

Fitch Rating Raises Polish GDP Growth Prognosis to 5.7 Percent

According to the Fitch rating agency, Polish GDP grew to 5.7 percent and kept it as estimated at 4.5 percent. Fitch noted that the Polish economy had bounced strongly with GDP growth returning to pre-pandemic levels, unlike most eurozone economies. "Stronger than expected GDP growth in Q2 and the revision of Q1 data up means a revision of our forecasts to 5.7 percent from 4.4 percent as well," Fitch wrote.

What is Important in the Fitch Report About Polish GDP:

Fitch referred to its J Read more

Discussing Poland Tax Changes on Economic Forum

Another discussion on tax changes at Economic Forum was organized under the "Polish Order" and it was concluded that tax changes shall be planned and communicated several years ahead. The Liquidity of Enterprises and Legal Stability in the Age of Increased Uncertainty are of utmost importance as well. This influences the predictability of running a business and allows for a more precise determination of the state budget revenues. In addition to predictability, the experts also explained to the Read more
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