Polish Bank Mobile App Ranked The Best in The World

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Retail Banking International, a global retail banking news service from the United Kingdom, took a look at the best bank mobile applications from banks and the reviews they receive from their users. According to the web service’s findings, the best-rated mobile application for bank account holders is the app from Polish bank PKO Bank Polski. Among numerous competitors, it is the Polish bank that prepared the most user-friendly bank mobile application that bank customers turn on with pleasure.

The Ranking of PKO Polski Bank Mobile App:

The Polish bank may boast more than two million downloads of the application, which is named IKO Mobile. The number of downloads as well as active users is continually growing. While commenting on the big achievement, Michał Macierzyński from PKO Bank Polski’s mobile and online banking department revealed the financial institution is working to make the bank mobile app even more useful and develop new functionalities, for example, mobile payments for parking fees. PKO BP also wants to introduce a Ukrainian-language version of IKO Mobile.

IKO Mobile is available in English as well as Polish so international customers of the bank may use all of the bank’s services with ease. Three operating systems are available: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The app enables making mobile transfers, checking account balances and history of transactions, or even money withdrawals from cash machines and contactless payments (possibly also abroad).

English-language users will be pleased to hear the bank prepare a user’s guide for them. It should be noted, however, that the bank mobile app will only work on smartphones with Polish SIM cards.

PKO Bank Polski is the largest Polish bank, both in terms of the number of users and the worth of deposits. It is worth noting that the holder of the largest pool of shares in the financial institution is in the hands of the Polish state.

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